Billing address

Each order has only 1 billing address => No more options one/all/none.

Billing Address 1 The street address of the billing address

Billing Address 2 The street address of the billing address (optional) Billing City City, town, or village of billing address Billing Company Company of the person related to the billing address Billing Country Country of billing address Billing Country Code Country code consists of 2 characters identifying the country of the billing address For more details, please refer to this article Billing First Name Last name of the person related to the billing address Billing Last Name Last name of the person related to the billing address Billing Name Full name of the person related to the billing address Billing Phone Phone number of the person related to the payment address Billing Province Province (region, state, prefecture) of the person related to the billing address Billing Province Code 2 characters for the province of the person associated with the billing address Billing Zip Postal code of billing address

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